Near-field communication (NFC) readers allow your residents and tenants to access protected areas using their NFC-enabled smartphones. Approved users can simply tap their smartphone on the reader to gain access. 

Finding a Reader’s NFC ID

To find your reader’s NFC ID:

  1. Download the NFC Tools app for Android or iOS

  2. Open the NFC Tools app

  3. Grant any permissions the NFC Tools app requires

  4. Tap the Read button 

  5. When the app says Ready to Scan, place your smartphone within two inches of the NFC-enabled reader

  6. Hold the phone near the NFC-enabled reader until you receive the blue checkmark confirmation

  7. Tap Record 2 - Text towards the bottom of the page
    (Note: if Record 2 doesn’t populate, back out and try the scan again)

  8. The Raw Value is your reader’s NFC ID (you can easily copy and paste this value to the support team member you are working with)